Selection of potential contractors for the development and implementation of a WMS solution


DTEK ENERGY is looking for potential companies to develop and implement a WMS solution: "Warehouse Management System”, which aims to increase the efficiency and reliability of the warehouse infrastructure and achieve the following indicators:

  • Real-time control of warehouse operations, minimizing the human factor: improving the accuracy of warehouse operations, improving the level of material flow processing and optimizing the time of warehouse operations;
  • Minimizing vehicle downtime during unloading/loading;
  • Reduction of inventory turnover rate.

The search for contractors is carried out on the ZAKUPIVLI.PRO platform. Both companies that have ready-made products and solutions for the implementation of WMS and companies that are ready to develop a new solution in accordance with the Customer's requirements are invited to participate.

We invite you to confirm your interest in the project and offer your solutions by submitting a bidding proposal via the link:

Based on the feedback received and the questionnaires from the participating companies, DTEK ENERGY specialists will select a long list of companies that will be invited to participate in the next stage - the Demo Day.
During the Demo Day, the participants will be given the opportunity to demonstrate the proposed solution and answer questions from the Customer's representatives.

Based on the results of the Demo Days, a short list of potential participants will be formed, who will be invited to commercial negotiations for participation in the project. 

We look forward to hearing your solutions and suggestions.

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